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Geeking Out

In his book Launch, John Spencer and A.J. Juliani describe the research phase of the Launch cycle as "Geeking Out". Learning about a new topic, creating or designing something new should never be something for kids to dread, instead they should exude excitement and Geek Out on it.

During my visit to Jared Thorlakson's classroom, I was able to see exactly what this could look like, not just for students, but for the teacher. His wise words were, "build around what you like to do." His passion was games, and therefore games became the way he designed his class. I love the idea of the teacher also Geeking Out because it is such a great example for kids to see. When teachers are excited about something, it rubs off on their students.

So come on teachers... get excited about what you do in the classroom!

Some of the things I Geek Out about...

1. Drama

2. Crochet

3. Travel

4. Social Justice

5. Shakespeare

6. Crafting

7. Reading

8. Board Games

Okay so looking at my list I think there are tons of ways to share this with students. First of all, I teach drama, and incorporate it into other subject areas whenever possible. This is a definite strength of mine. I can see how if I didn't love drama, it would not go as good when trying to get students excited about it.

I have a crochet club that has been running for four years already!

Crafting, reading, and Shakespeare are already super easy to bring into my classes, and next year Social Justice will be too, thanks to the new ELA curriculum!

Having better board games in my room is definitely an area I could grow in. I have a bunch, but none that I would be excited to play. The problem here is money. Games are expensive. Perhaps I can bring them from home occasionally.

So thank you Jared for this lesson on Geeking Out on what I already love to do in order to make my classroom a making place to be.

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