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My Journey into Coding

This page is dedicated to my journey of learning the coding language Scratch.  I am by no means an expert, so consider this a beginners guide to some of the things you can do with Scratch.

I took the old fashioned route and used the book Coding Projects in Scratch by Jon Woodcock.  You would not need to follow a book, since Scratch and program like have many self-guides to follow.

The best part about my journey into learning Scratch was the connection it gave me to my students.  The first time I sat down to code I kept thinking I should be doing this with students.  So I proceeded to show off my first creation to my kids and then invited them to join me at lunch for coding.  This has turned into a noon-hour club that has lasted 3 weeks and is going strong.  Some of the kids that show up were new like me and so we got to learn together.  Other's that showed up were far more advanced and went off on their own, trouble shooting for the rest of us when needed.  I have found this club provides me with excellent opportunities to connect with kids that I have not had as much opportunity to connect with.

My Creations (thus far)

Click on the links below to check out some of my creations!

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