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Pernille Ripp is Inspirational

Pernille Ripp stood in front of me for an entire morning at the 2017 Adolescent Literacy Summit and inspired me over and over again. The following quotes are my take-away from the summit.

Yes, breaking the rules in education is scary, but not as scary as following them.

I would rather have students who dare tell me what they hate, then have students who don't dare speak out.

If you do one thing after this talk, do this... Ask the students. Then listen. Then do.

It is not how your classroom looks, it is how it feels.

A classroom should be set up to where students always have the opportunity to say whatever they want as long as it's on topic.

All teachers should let students choose where they sit.

Grades don't say how much I learned, it is just an opinion, people can't say how much I learned and how hard I tried because I am the only one that knows that.

Remember, assessment is a point in the journey, not the end of the journey.

Grades only tell us what a child wants us to know.

Levels are a teacher's tool, not a child's label.

Research says... reading enjoyment has been reported as more important for children's educational success than their family's socio-economic status.

Some teacher ask between 200-300 questions a day. Most students ask 2 questions a day...

What's the point of English if we don't talk to anyone?

Adding picture books to our classroom meant that no one was judged for what they were reading.

Check out her blog for more inspiration!

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